Alot of folks here and abroad may not know but Mr. John Crean actually tied the knot during the summer, below you'll find pictures of the glorious event. (BTW he's still waiting for "delayed" wedding gifts.)

Total organising was required throughout the event, hats off to an excellent job by to the two ladies

Unfortunatly the local priest was unavailable, thankfully the bishop was nearby

The bishop getting accuainted with the bridesmaids

The bride was luckier than she ever thought when the groom was issued day release to attend the ceremony

Final prep of the groom, took alot of goose grease to polish that head

The bride and her father arrive in great style, you cant beat the massey!

the father of the bride takes some breaths after the flaking episode while the pageboy and flower girl try to settle their nerves

The first steps to Hell!

John is having second thoughts, its a good thing he's shackled to ball and chain or he'd be gone like a bat out of hell with a bullet up his ass

Happy familes?

The happy couple (don't they look well together you'd never think they were cousins)