This is only part one, I should have the next batch up pretty soon, sorry for the delay Mike!!
If anybody has anymore is there a chance you might send them to me?? Thanks in advance!
A surprise for Shane was this car, just to prove, you can take the man out of
the car but you can't take the car out of the man!
Roma and her Father taking the first steps on the long walk to the alter!!
Sorry for bad quality, but this is the "i do" part, I remember thinking, My God,
Shane is married now, thats unreal!
Just to make it official and all above board the buks are signed
Picture of the wedding party, that priest is Tall
Shane and Roma heading out into the married world, shane mad to get a go in the fiat!
Dont they look well, Is Kieran thinking of his upcoming speech?
Bob and Kev getting ready for a right good feed? Blue ties must be in.
John was always thinkin of joining the Priests, but had to settle on the holy Devine sister hood
Its times like this, Shane heads for the skill saw
Total talking from the Best Man, Is Shane going red?
In pure Shane fashion, his speech was unprepared but just hit the nail on the head
Mike is giving the signal, its all good to go, let the drink be poured.
There was a strange glow about Shane as he mingled through the crowds, not sure if it was
the ring or just shear happiness
Tony was mad to get on, so here he is!